First comprehensive training in classical homeopathy for pregnancy care, obstetrics and the puerperium in Austria!
The focus of the specialist training is on homeopathic care for pregnant women, homeopathic therapies for pregnancy diseases, homeopathic birth management and care in the puerperium as well as for newborns.
- Recognizing the indications that speak for the use of homeopathy
- Sound theoretical and practical knowledge for
The complex contents of the training are didactically prepared in such a way that learning outside the course modules can be reduced to a minimum. This is achieved through learning coaching and interactive teaching methods. The homeopathic approach is taught using numerous practical examples (case studies) and is developed by the participants under supervision.
The training concept offers lots of practical experience. The contents are based on almost 20 years of continuous experience of the course organizer Dr. Micha Bitschnau MFHom in the use of homeopathy during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (private clinic Döbling, Hospital Hietzing, AKH).
The extra-occupational training comprises 7 weekend modules.
- Recognition of homeopathic indications
- In-depth theoretical and practical knowledge for
- Case management
- In-depth pharmacology
- Professional safety and competence in the use of homeopathy
Basic knowledge of classical homeopathy (proof of training or completion of an admission interview)
- Workshops for learning and consolidating homeopathic remedy images
- Hands on training:
- Teaching anamnesis
Participants are invited to present cases from their own professional practices. Selected cases will be explored and examined for the patient (initial anamnesis and follow-ups of the healing process) by the course organizer Dr. Micha Bitschnau MFHom, free of charge.
- Trituration of homeopathic remedies
The extra-occupational training comprises 10 one-day workshops.
Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Dipl. Homeopath
Graduates of the training course receive a diploma from the training center for Homeopathy in Gynecology, private clinic Döbling. Both courses are recognized with 75 free advanced training credits by the Austrian Midwifery Committee according to § 37(6) HebG.
The General Terms and Conditions of the training center for Homeopathy in Gynecology apply.
Training center for Homeopathy in Gynecology, private clinic Döbling
Heiligenstädterstraße 46-48, 1190 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 1 958 11 14
Further training in the yoga tradition after Krishnamacharya with a special focus on individual and therapeutic body work.
An acute or postoperative wound is often an enormous psychological burden for patients. The most modern wound dressings support the body’s own physiological healing process in a cell-activating and anti-inflammatory way and thus leads to rapid wound closure.
Scientific Advisory Board of the Self-Help Group for Interstitial Cystitis (ICA Austria)
Trauma-specific training:
In resource-oriented hypnotic psychotherapy, creative parts of the unconscious are used through therapeutic work with a changed state of consciousness. Because of this, new ways for problem solving and personal development become accessible. Experiences from the past, which emerge and are processed during the hypnotic trance, can be of importance for the treatment of current problems.
Ongoing completion of various modules at the School for Visceral Therapy in Mattsee since 2017
Specializes in
Visceral therapy mainly focuses on the organ system to solve these problems. In addition, exercises from physiotherapy are shown to achieve the best possible result.
Areas of application include digestive problems (such as flatulence, constipation, gastritis, reflux, rapid feeling of fullness (bloating) often in connection with spine complaints), problems of the urogenital tract (including Bladder inflammation, menstrual complaints), respiratory problems (including bronchitis, constant clearing of the throat, frequent hiccups often in connection with shoulder complaints) and headaches (including dizziness, tinnitus, TMJ complaints, migraine, teeth grinding, braces).
Languages: German, English, French, Hungarian
Many years of experience and specialization as an internist in the following areas:
Cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases and endocrinological diseases, such as diabetes mellitus and diseases of the thyroid gland, as well as internal diseases during pregnancy.
on the following topics, amongst others:
Languages: German, English, Finnish, Russian, Dutch, Estonian
Specialist in anesthesiology and intensive care from 2004-2010 at the Hanusch Hospital and from 2010-2015 at the Lorenz Böhler Emergency Hospital
Languages: German, English, Italian, Slovenian, Croatian and Serbian
Seit 2017 laufende Absolvierung diverser Module an der Schule für Viszerale Therapie in Mattsee
Spezialisiert auf
Die viszerale Therapie arbeitet hauptsächlich am Organsystem, um diese Probleme zu lösen. Zusätzlich werden Übungen aus der Physiotherapie gezeigt, um das bestmögliche Ergebnis zu erreichen.
Einsatzgebiete sind u.a. Verdauungsprobleme (wie etwa Blähungen, Verstopfung, Gastritis, Reflux, schnelles Völlegefühl – oft in Verbindung mit Wirbelsäulenbeschwerden), Probleme des Urogenitaltrakts (u.a. Blasenentzündung, Regelbeschwerden), Atemwegsprobleme (u.a. Bronchitis, ständiges Räuspern, häufiges Schluckauf – oft in Verbindung mit Schulterbeschwerden), Kopfschmerz (u.a. Schwindel, Tinnitus, Kiefergelenksprobleme, Migräne, Zähneknirschen, Zahnspange).
Weiterbildung in der Yogatradition nach Krishnamacharya mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf individueller und therapeutischer Körperarbeit
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Selbsthilfegruppe für Interstitielle Cystits (ICA Austria)
Traumaspezifische Weiterbildungen:
In der ressourcenorientierten Hypnosepsychotherapie werden durch die therapeutische Arbeit mit einem veränderten Bewusstseinszustand kreative Teile des Unbewussten genutzt. Dadurch werden neue Wege zur Problemlösung und zur persönlichen Weiterentwicklung zugänglich. Erfahrungen der Vergangenheit, die in der hypnotischen Trance auftauchen und verarbeitet werden, können dabei für die Behandlung gegenwärtiger Probleme von Bedeutung sein.
Eine akute oder postoperative Wunde stellt für die Patientin eine enorme psychische Belastung dar. Modernste Wundverbände unterstützen zellaktivierend und entzündungshemmend den körpereigenen physiologischen Heilungsverlauf und führen so zum raschen Wundverschluss.
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Ungarisch
Als Internistin langjährige Erfahrung und Spezialisierungen in folgenden Bereichen:
Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen, Stoffwechselerkrankungen und endokrinologische Erkrankungen – wie Diabetes mellitus und Erkrankungen der Schilddrüse sowie internistische Erkrankungen während der Schwangerschaft.
u.a. zu folgenden Themen:
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Finnisch, Russisch, Niederländisch, Estnisch
Als Fachärztin für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin 2004-2010 im Hanusch Krankenhaus und 2010-2015 im Lorenz Böhler Unfallkrankenhaus tätig
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Italienisch, Slowenisch, Kroatisch, Serbisch