Complementary medical therapies
I view menopause as part of the female life cycle, and not as a "disease", even though it may be associated with symptoms such as mood swings, depressive and aggressive moods, reduced performance, drive disorders, sleep disorders, sweating and hot flushes, loss of libido, skin and hair changes, dry mucous membranes or weight changes. The complaints last an average of about 2-3 years and can be significantly alleviated by individually tailored therapies, such as constitutional homeopathic treatment, in order to restore balance to body and mind. I would be happy to advise you on complementary medical therapy options that don’t involve hormonal stress.
Menopause, like puberty, is also a time of hormonal change and thus of psychological and physical reorientation. In particular, women that have experienced puberty as unpleasant and menstruation as stressful, usually suffer from severe menopausal symptoms. Hormone replacement therapy has long been propagated as a “fountain of youth” and a panacea, although the effects of long-term treatment can be linked to health risks. Gynecologists are now taking a much more critical view of hormone substitution and utilizing it more cautiously.
I am convinced that menopause is the best phase of a woman's life. It means inner freedom, independence, self-determination and pleasure. However, it requires a little bit of open-mindedness to fully reconsider your prior opinions. Old things have to be let go and new things have to be attempted. If you want to get involved in this adventure, I will take sufficient time to bring you closer to the physiological, medical and archetypal changes of this phase of metamorphosis and to accompany you through these exciting and insightful years of change. Menopausal symptoms are often psychosomatic symptoms that do not necessarily require hormonal treatment. Experience has shown that complementary medicines and systemic coaching are particularly helpful in these cases. According to the motto: "I don’t just feel hot, I am hot too".